**English content ideas:**
- Intro articles/threads: DeFi, DAOs, etc.
- Blockchain in China: BSN, fiat NFT marketplaces, etc.
- On-the-ground blockchain event info, e.g. Dali web3 meetup (Yunnan)
- Blockchain for supply chain
- Layer1 spotlight series: Aptos, etc. (or some other series like this)
- Retweet / Quote tweet high quality dev content

**Twitter space ideas:**
- Recent news, e.g. Tornado Cash and USDC sanctions, ref. ChainNews
- Collab with other communities (DAOSquare, DappLearning, ECN, etc.)
- Regular chats with CTN team and various guests + upload as podcast
- JR: collect various topics in a google doc throughout the week and discuss
    --> content for twitter space / podcast and weekly newsletter

- JR will focus more on US, Kerri and Evy can help out with Chinese Twitter Spaces

**Action items:**
- [Peter] Share crypto dev Twitter handles
- [Chris] Get more info on Aptos "Twitter thread competition"
- [Kerri] Adjust logo for global CTN twitter with Xiaobei
- [JR] Introduce Evy to Tianyi for getting info on Dali Web3 meetup
- [all] Brainstorm about podcast format (as Chris said, we need some consistency)
- [JR] Set up page for gathering ideas on Notion